
Cosmetic surgery treatments with laser in Bari

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Cardone Associated Medical Practice in Bari employs laser therapy, adopting a technology that has revolutionised medicine. Just think about the various uses that laser (acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation") finds in surgery and ophthalmology.

Unique characteristics of the laser, such as directionality, monochromaticity, brilliance, and coherence, allow for increasingly less invasive procedures without damaging the surrounding tissues.

  • Before and after laser facial treatment

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Advantages of physiotherapeutic laser application

Laser therapy, available at Cardone Associated Medical Practice in Bari, offers pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory advantages when applied to physiotherapy. The pain-relieving action, ideal for athletes, is due to an increased threshold for nerve ending perception and the release of endorphins, while the anti-inflammatory effect is related to increased blood flow in the area.

The laser beam, in fact, triggers a biochemical response on the cell membrane and within the mitochondria, increasing the temperature of the affected area, metabolism, lymphatic drainage, and microcirculation activation.

Limits of physiotherapeutic laser applications

However, the staff at Cardone Associated Medical Practice emphasises that applying laser therapy to physiotherapy has its limitations.

First and foremost, the laser serves to expedite a healing process that would occur in any case (in 75% of cases) over obviously longer periods. Additionally, the efficiency of laser therapy varies depending on the condition. It is most effective when treating a small area and much less efficient when the area involved is extensive and deep.

  • Laserterapia viso

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  • Facial laser

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Action and classification of lasers

The laser therapy provided by Cardone Associated Medical Practice in Bari is used not only for physiotherapy but also for tattoo removal. Laser therapy depends on four factors:


  • tissue characteristics under treatment;
  • laser wavelength;
  • power density per unit surface area;
  • exposure time.

Lasers are ultimately classified based on their power. When the power is around 500 mWatts, they can be considered soft lasers (such as helium-neon or semiconductor diode lasers). Power lasers include neodymium YAG or CO2 lasers, reaching up to 6 Watts of power, and they must be manipulated very rapidly by the therapist to avoid causing damage.

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